Blog updates

October 10, 2023

The blog has not seen many new articles lately, but there is new stuff under the hood nonetheless!

I’ve not written a new article in a while, because life happens and I didn’t feel like any topic warranted a full post of its own. That does not mean the blog is dead though, and I’ve been improving the generation process of the blog, switching to a Perl script. This change has made it a lot more readable than the old Makefile-based script. It also allows to easily extend the generation process with new features, even though the primary objective is still simplicity above all else. For now, I’ve added an RSS feed of the articles, in case anyone is still interested in those in 2023. This improvement was a while back though, more than a year ago according to git.

Now today I made another improvement to the blog and also my git web interface, as they can both now be browsed with HTTPS encryption. Honestly it took me way too long to make this possible, especially as I knew how to do it already. But anyway it’s done now, although unlike most websites, the regular version does not automatically redirect to the HTTPS one. You are still allowed to browse the regular version of this blog with an outdated browser that may not do HTTPS or may be too old for newer certificates, protocols or whatever :)

As it turns out, I’m also working on a new coding project, but it’s a little too early to push it on my public git. Hopefully I get it very soon in a publishable state. Until then, take care and I’ll write more to you soon(ish)!

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