Advent of code 2021

January 5th, 2022

This year, or rather last year, I decided to participate in the Advent of code. This post will explain why and how I decided to do it, but also reflect on my progress since it's well over now.

One of the great things about the Advent of code is that you can participate with whatever language you choose. So instead of coding in a language I'm comfortable with, I decided to go with C, for the following reasons:

In the end, I mainly kept pace until day 8, at which point the puzzles started to take a little too much time (that I spent hunting some christmas presents...). You can find my code on my git repo. Though at that point I had (re)learnt a good deal about C, and was getting more comfortable at developing and debugging in text mode only. The code is not perfect and there are still some TODOs and shortcuts, especially regarding memory management. But the main point was to get the right result at the end.

As of today I'm still working on day 9 and maybe will continue to progress in the following weeks.

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